Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Valentine Gift: Healing Your Core Wounding

"Wounding and healing are not opposites.  They're part of the same thing.  It is our wounds that enable us to be compassionate with the wounds of others.  I think I have served people perfectly with parts of myself that I used to be ashamed of."  ~ Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

My Big Bro has a Special Gift for you at the bottom of this Blog.  However, it will make more sense after you've read my thoughts first.

My life's work has been about helping people heal from their Core Wounding; precisely because I am also wounded at my core.  I believe that all of us have a Core Wounding around which we make our decisions in life.  Some of those decisions are conscious, but most are unconscious.  Our Core Wounding can wreak havoc in our lives; yet this same wounding can also motivate us to change; and to help us change the world in some way.  So it can be a gift, as Dr. Remen shares above.

Once I'd discovered my own Core Wounding, and how it got set in motion, it gave me hope and healing. That's why I'd like to share some ideas, to help you identify and understand more about your own Core Wounding, and how it can serve you well.

Each time you feel the pang of emotional pain, that might be displayed as anger, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, procrastination, feelings of entitlement, low self-esteem, etc., stop for a moment to identify the feeling that is in the layer right underneath.  Is it shame, sadness, jealousy, loneliness, guilt, worry, fear of lack, fear of neglect or abandonment?  Then ask yourself: "When was the first time that I ever felt this way?  I mean the VERY first time...and will uncover your Core Wounding!  Okay, good. But how do you heal your Core Wounding?

The trick is to recognize and acknowledge that you have a Core Wounding in the first place.  Having that consciousness, will help you catch yourself when your emotional pain gets the better of you.  The second important piece is to know that Everything IS in Divine Order; especially when your life experiences seem to reflect the opposite.  Believe me, this very consciousness has saved me from feeling completely helpless and hopeless, during certain painful life experiences I've had.  

Believing that Everything IS in Divine Order, gives me the opportunity to stop being a victim; and allows me the space and time to react differently.  Not from my pain and attachments; but from a place of acceptance and love for myself; and compassion for the other person(s) involved.

Since Everything IS in Divine Order, then the Universe is offering us a gift; an opportunity for healing.  Should we reject that gift, and take no lesson from the experience?  Perhaps we want to turn our back to the Universe, and feel angry and betrayed by it too.  Well that strategy might make us feel vindicated in the very short term; and I mean only for a few seconds, or perhaps minutes; but then the same old Core Wounding feelings return with a vengence; and that doesn't help us heal.  In fact, we might go even deeper into our Core Wounding; and the pain can be unbearable.  So what can we do instead? 

Well, I'm the last person to tell you not to express the full extent of your feelings. In fact, I coach people to do just the opposite in my "Singing Your HeART Out!" Program, which is not about being a singer, by the way.  We actually exaggerate the pain, in order to release it; so we can come to a place of peace, love, and joy within ourselves. Trust me, it's the most fun you'll ever have in a therapy session. LOL!  (I can work with you via Skype, or in person.)

Taking responsibility for, and releasing your pain in a manner that is accepting and respectful towards yourself, will have beneficial outcomes in all your relationships.  So this is not about unleashing your anger on the other person; or making them feel guilty. It's about looking inwards, acknowledging your Core Wounding, and taking very good care of yourself, so that the pain can ease. 

Thank the Universe for the Opportunity to Heal. Count Your Blessings. Feel Gratitude. Cultivate Your Ability to Feel Compassion and Empathy for Others. Surround Yourself with Supportive People. Wish Everyone the Very Best.  Recognize that You Are Not Alone. You Are Part of The Collective Unconscious.  You Are Connected to the Universal Energy of Humanity, Light, Love, and The Circle of Life.

Be Well.  Be Happy.  Be LIGHT.  Be LOVE.

Now my brother is going to help me do some LifeSong® Voicework with you; though he doesn't know it.  Well he will, when he reads this : ) 

Enjoy this Bob Dylan song, Make You Feel My Love, magnificently sung by my Big Bro Lenny Zakatek    Like on FB

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

Listen to the song several times; and sing along with Lenny.  Find the lyrics here

Each time you sing it, begin hearing the meaning of the song differently; as if you were singing to your Core Wounded Self; Your Inner Child; Your Baby Self who may have felt alone, sad, frightened, angry, let down, abused, neglected, or betrayed; and has carried those feelings into adulthood. Sing Loudly. Sing Softly. Even sing Off Key and Off Tempo if you like. Improvise. There are no rules about how you sing.

Hug yourself while you are singing.  Get a Teddy Bear or a Pillow to hold.  Move around your room to release the energy. Cry it out, Scream it out. Laugh it Out!  I want to hear you Singing your HeART Out!

Let me know how you get along.  Add your experiences in the Comments here and/or on my FB page Singing Your Heart Out with Chris Platel.  

Let's share the gift of Healing Core Wounding.
Happy Valentine's  XO

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