Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year: Receiving Love

Happy New Year Friends!

Many of you have shared that 2013 has been a difficult year for you. It's been a tough one for me as well. So I wish you (and me) all good experiences in 2014, and beyond.

If you should encounter more challenges, then my wish is that you get through them with courage, and grace. Remember that some challenges can help us to learn and grow; if we are able to turn a crisis into an opportunity. You may not see the opportunity immediately, but it will be there.

I also wish you love. If there is anger, hurt, and disappointment in your heart, then I hope that you have a supportive person in your life who will be there for you, and love you through the pain.

Trust that you are on the right path, and that everything is in Divine Order, even if the road is hard. Reach out to others to both receive and give love. Notice that I ask you to reach out, and allow yourself to receive love. Often when we are in pain we close our heart to receiving; so how then can we give love? It's impossible.

So my biggest wish for you in 2014 is to allow yourself to receive love from not only those closest to you, but from the Universal Energy that connects us all.

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